Displaying items by tag: Politics

Friday, 09 August 2019 13:19

India: Unrest

Jammu and Kashmir (JK) is in militarised Kashmir, an Indian region dividing India and Pakistan. On 5 August Indian authorities revoked JK’s special status that had allowed them to make their own laws, and anticipating resistance they imposed an unprecedented clampdown - shutting down the internet, media and mobile phones, barring movement and jailing Kashmiri leaders. They argued that JK’s ‘special status’ hindered integration by their Muslim majority population with the rest of Hindu India. The disputed region has had two wars fought over it by India, Pakistan and China. Narendra Modi reached out to people of JK, in the five languages spoken there, trying to instil peace on the troubled streets of a new Kashmir; which has been stripped of its constitution, flag, and hereditary rights. A historical powder keg has been ignited. The US asked Pakistan to refrain from ‘retaliatory aggression’ as airspace corridors were closed and bilateral trade suspended. China’s foreign ministry voiced ‘serious concern’ over India’s contentious move over an area claimed by both countries. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:39

New cabinet

Boris Johnson is leading a ‘Brexit’ cabinet, so called because key roles were given to leading Brexiteers. Our reputation in the world will change as new faces represent the UK, possibly with new policies. Let us pray into these changes. May God's hand and mercy direct Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary; may he see the work centred on the persecuted church through to completion. May Priti Patel, the home secretary, use her innovativeness to address terrorism, drugs, and knife crime, keeping our streets safe. May Chancellor Sajid Javid keep our economy safe during and after Brexit. Apart from high-profile ministers, Boris will also rely on key advisers behind the scenes, such as his senior adviser Dominic Cummings; may God use his outspokenness to establish reforms aligned to Kingdom purposes. For a ‘who’s who’ of the new cabinet, click the ‘More’ button.
Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:16

Canada: Christians mobilising for elections

In September 2018, some evangelical leaders in British Columbia unveiled a statement on sexuality and gender identity after 21 days of fasting and prayer. ‘We believe this to be a historic moment both here in BC and Canada,’ said a pastor, in a video of the event. Supporters included Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, a People’s Party of Canada candidate who has been outspoken against sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) education in schools. The statement says, ‘We are hereby revealing, for the first time, the West Coast Christian accord, which in 14 articles provides a Biblical statement on the supremacy of Christ, the authority of scripture, salvation, marriage, sexual orientation, and gender identity.’ That document now forms the basis of the growing One Accord movement, which seeks to encourage Christians across Canada to vote in the upcoming election (on 21 October) for candidates who they think will protect their Christian beliefs.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 12 July 2019 13:13

Brexit’s effect on Europe

Brexit will affect not just the UK but the whole of Europe. The Brexit reality is not just an economic problem but part of larger cultural and social forces sweeping across Europe. The impact of Brexit on the EU will result in social and economic changes to the Union and also longer term political and institutional shifts. The extent of these effects remain speculative until the precise terms of UK’s post-Brexit relationship with the EU becomes clear. With the EU's policies on freedom of movement and the economic benefits and drawbacks which the UK and the EU provide each other with, there will be a clear impact with consequences for both institutions.

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Friday, 05 July 2019 10:55

Our bishops in Westminster

During five days in Westminster the House of Lords bishops spoke on serious youth violence; the need to scrap the ‘two-child limit’ welfare policy; climate change; child refugees; independent living for disabled people; higher education funding; music education; prescription opiates; and gambling and gaming machines in the armed forces (see next article). The foreign secretary was questioned about religious literacy training for diplomats, and about landholdings in Scotland. Please pray for God’s anointing and wisdom on our bishops as they raise issues of injustice and comment on how government policies are being implemented.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 21 June 2019 11:53

Leader and supporters

From Passion for the Nation: ‘As the process of choosing a new prime minister continues, we can pray that every significant seat of power in our capital city will be filled by those appointed by God, establishing heaven’s purposes and shifting this nation towards its God-given destiny. Pray that the new Prime Minister will be supported by ministers, advisors, and civil service personnel who carry Kingdom purposes and plans; and we declare God’s wisdom will both guide them and protect them from every strategy of the enemy. Pray according to Proverbs 22:29 (TPT): ‘If you are uniquely gifted in your work, you will rise and be promoted’. We decree and declare that select committees, sub-committees, ministerial and civil service posts will be filled by those skilled, gifted, wise and on whom God’s favour rests. We speak strength, honour and encouragement to them in the Name of Jesus.’ For the full declaration click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 21 June 2019 11:30

EU: candidate to succeed Juncker

At the time of writing European leaders are trying to agree on a compromise EU leader after political groups failed to unite behind a candidate to replace Jean-Claude Juncker in Europe’s top job. Following the elections in May, nobody has won united support from the four mainstream parties to become president of the EU’s executive arm. Onlookers are calling it a ‘big fight’ between Europe's political groups, leaders, and institutions. Other vacancies to be filled include speaker of the European parliament, which will sit for the first time on 2 July, and foreign policy chief. The final nominees must have the backing of least 21 of the 28 EU leaders and a majority in the 751-member parliament. National leaders want to control the process and allocate the most senior jobs in a way that balances men and women, east and west, small countries and large.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 13 June 2019 21:45

The ministry of reconciliation

A message from Prayer for Scotland: ‘"All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation - and he has committed to us the message of reconciliation" (2 Cor. 5:18,19b). While we await the outcome of the process to elect a new leader of the Conservative party who will be our next Prime Minister, the Brexit debate has died down. However, the fundamental issues have not disappeared and will be faced again very soon. As a country we are completely divided - as we have been since the referendum 3 years ago. While the Scripture text is about the reconciliation of sinful man with God through the Cross, we, the Church, God's 'ambassadors on earth', are also called to reconcile individuals and groups who have serious disagreements with each other. Prayer can bring supernatural power to bear on a situation that seems impossible to solve. With God, nothing is impossible.'

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 13 June 2019 21:20

Albania: president cancels elections

Protesters were met with tear gas and flares on the streets of Tirana, after Albania’s president Ilir Meta cancelled the 30 June elections. He cited political tensions in the country, stating that circumstances do not provide the necessary conditions for true, democratic, representative and all-inclusive elections. The opposing centre-right Democratic Party, led by Lulzim Basha, have held weeks of protests aimed at forcing the prime minister to stand down. They accuse him of links to organised crime and vote-rigging. The United States and the EU are urging protesters to disavow violence and take part in dialogue with government representatives to resolve the political crisis. The EU has criticised some violent tactics used by protesters. Smoke bombs and firecrackers outside parliament were met with tear gas. Mr Basha has urged continuing protests until Mr Rama steps down.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 13 June 2019 21:16

China, Hong Kong: Catholics urge restraint

A proposed bill allowing mainland China to pursue government critics and criminals in Hong Kong and extradite them to China drew protest marches by thousands on 9-11 June, causing a debate on 12 June to be cancelled. The Catholic diocese of Hong Kong joined the social welfare sector and the largest teachers’ union in voicing concerns about the bill. Two thousand counsellors, carers, therapists, and religious groups went on strike. A strike organiser said, ‘We are forced to take a stand on this moral question of right and wrong.’ Several other Christian denominations in Hong Kong also voiced concerns. Police fired rubber bullets and tear gas at protesters, who threw bricks and projectiles back. People are worried that the civil rights and freedoms guaranteed to Hong Kong under the ‘one country two systems’ arrangement will be eroded under the new law. China often uses accusations of non-political crimes to prosecute its critics.

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