Displaying items by tag: Australia

Friday, 07 June 2019 05:28

Australia: Water shortage crisis

Western and central New South Wales faces a water crisis within months unless it rains. The Murray-Darling basin in south-eastern Australia has two rivers (Murray and Darling) draining 1/7th of Australia’s land mass. They expect 10% reduced water entitlements in Australia’s most significant agricultural area. In 114 years of record-keeping, 2019 is among the driest years and it is getting worse. The NSW government sent 13 representatives to towns to discuss their water supplies and assess the impact of the prolonged and severe drought on businesses. Burrendong Dam is at 5.9% capacity and even with water restrictions, will be empty within 12 months. There is no ground water to be accessed by bores. Authorities are considering building emergency pipelines. The Bureau of Meteorology has put Australia on an “El Niño WATCH. Meaning a 50% likelihood of El Niño developing. Meanwhile India focuses on acute water challenge in major cities. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 31 May 2019 07:03

Australia: Religious freedom

The Australian Christian Lobby is raising the profile of the need to protect religious freedom. They are stating that for some time now, the threat to religious freedom in Australia has not been merely a threat, but a reality and Australians now live in a country where religious freedom isn’t guaranteed. Countless court cases and new laws have already prevented Christians from living out and sharing their faith – and the cost is great. Loss of religious freedom paves the way for loss of other freedoms, and also restricts Australian Christians from sharing their faith with others. Pray for the voice of the Christian Lobby to be heard by the Governor-General, and in the Senate and the House of Representatives, and for those in society who are doing and thinking wrongly to be changed.

Published in Worldwide

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting 28 April – 18 May 2019

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” - 2 Chronicles 7:14

We ask for Christian leaders and churches of all denominations from all over the world to pray for Australia, as wethe People of Australia, Pray and Fast for 21 days up to the Federal Election, Saturday 18 May 2019.

This prayer call was inspired by Ps Margaret Court’s love for Australia, her passion “for the church to arise and be a strong voice for righteousness, truth and justice”and her love for the word of God which says that, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”Proverbs 14:34.

“Hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may know that you are the LORD God, and that you have turned their heart back to you again.”1 Kings 18:37

  1. Pray that God would rule over this election that righteous leaders would be elected to govern Australia in truth and justice because, “When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice.”Proverbs 29:2
  2. Pray God’s blessing upon Australia’s parliamentarians and leaders, including their families and all the candidates of all the parties standing for this federal election.1 Timothy 2:1-3
  3. Pray for a multiplication of prayer and unity across the Body of Christ in Australia that people will wakeup to the dangers facing our nation and respond in prayer. Ephesians 5:14
  4. Pray for a Spiritual Awakening for Australia, Revival and Transformation for Australia and the proclamation of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. John 3:16

Warwick Marsh

Promo Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTowvtNdkzc
Facebook Video: https://www.facebook.com/nationaldayofprayerandfasting/videos/386871382169790
For More Info &Daily Devotions: http://www.canberradeclaration.org.au/prayer/election-2019

Wednesday, 01 May 2019 04:08

USA: Australia calls World to Pray for America

30 April – 2 May 2019

For the seventh consecutive year, Australia is calling the nations of the world to join with them in 3 days of prayer and fasting for the United States of America, from 30 April – 2 May 2019.

May 2 is America’s National Day of Prayer.

The theme is “Pray for America –LOVE ONE ANOTHER” John 13:34.   


April 30 is America’s National Day of Repentance.  http://www.dayofrepentance1.org

Promo YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J85mThITKyQ

Facebook Video: https://www.facebook.com/nationaldayofprayerandfasting/videos/681908912226702

President Reagan renewed the call for a National Day of Prayer in 1982 and said, “The first National Day of Prayer was proclaimed in 1775 by the Second Continental Congress. As thousands gathered in prayer in places of worship and encampments throughout the new land, the dispersed colonists found a new spirit of unity and resolve in this remarkable expression of public faith.”

Commissioner James Condon, Chairman of the National Day of Prayer & Fasting team, said,“ God has done amazing things in America since we began to pray and fast each year for the USA, but God can do greater things yet! We in Australia believe it is our turn to stand in the gap for the nation of America and pray for revival and transformation for the USA through prayer and fasting according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. The theme “LOVE ONE ANOTHER” is something that inspires us here in Australia too!

Melissa Haigh, a member of the National Day of Prayer and Fasting team, talking about the history of prayer in the USA said, “President Abraham Lincoln, on 30 April 1863 called for a Day of ‘Humiliation, Prayer and Fasting’ at a time of great national crisis. Lincoln’s prayer and faith is a great encouragement to us today. Both America and Australia need to come back to God in repentance and humility.” 

Ps Warwick Marsh, also from the National Day of Prayer and Fasting team, said, “America and Australia need revival and reformation. We need more of JESUS. We invite you and the nations of the world to join with us in three days of prayer and fasting for the USA, that JESUS would be magnified.”

James Condon | Melissa Haigh  |Warwick Marsh

National Day of Prayer & Fasting. http://www.nationaldayofprayer.org.au

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nationaldayofprayerandfasting

Thursday, 25 April 2019 22:20

Australia: prayer for national election

Now that a federal election has been called, Australian Prayer Network has initiated a season of prayer which will last up to and including the eve of the elections, on 18 May. Churches are encouraged to include the daily prayer points and readings in their notices each Sunday, to promote prayer for the election. Permission has been given for these prayer points to be distributed across other networks interested in having their people pray. Each Wednesday until the election, new prayer points will be released for the following week. We can pray for a mighty wave of Holy Spirit righteousness and justice to sweep across Australia, drawing Christians into a greater place of authority and integrity in an increasingly secular society.

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Thursday, 11 April 2019 22:01

Christian rugby player faces sack

One of the best rugby players in the world is set to have his contract terminated after posting a picture on social media with a warning to those who sin. Israel Folau, who has starred for Australia over the past six years, has often spoken about his Christian faith, regularly sharing Bible verses and messages on Twitter and Instagram. Last year he received much criticism for telling a follower that God's plan for gay people was hell unless they repent of their sins. His employer, Rugby Australia, had said his comments ‘did not reflect the views’ of the organisation, but added: ‘In his own words, Israel said that he did not intend to upset people intentionally or bring hurt to the game. We accept his position.’ His latest post lists a number of different sins, including homosexuality, and tells followers that ‘hell awaits’. Rugby Australia and his club NSW Warratahs have criticised his comments, and confirmed that they intend to sack him.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 15 March 2019 09:29

Australia: how we treat our elderly

How communities treat our elderly is a measure of worth and moral integrity. 300 people attended the first community consultation by the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Adult children and spouses of those in care want compassionate staff, not harsh, poorly trained, temperamentally unsuited people working in the sector. Commissioner Lynell Briggs spoke of creating a culture of dignity and respect after hearing harrowing tales, including that of a woman's mother in care being regularly left for hours to lie in her own mess. When she died, the facility operator told the daughter that her mother had been ‘taking up too much of the staff's time’. Upon complaint, the regulator turned on the daughter. The consultation heard much first-hand evidence of elder abuse. Victoria’s assisted dying legislation comes into effect on 19 June. There are fears that no euthanasia or assisted dying scheme can effectively screen for elder abuse and coercion.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 07 February 2019 23:53

Australia: wild week of floods and fires

Townsville, with 180,000 people, has been facing tropical cyclones, king tides and drenching summer rain. Over a metre of rain fell in seven days, leaving many residents without power; others were cut off by flooded roads. The Ross River dam flooded beyond capacity, necessitating the opening of gates and the release of 1,900 cubic metres of water a second. 20,000 homes were flooded. A flotilla of boats rescued hundreds, with police, emergency services and soldiers stretched to the limit. Authorities have now warned residents not to swim in flooded suburbs, where crocodiles and snakes have been spotted. More monsoon rain is forecast for next week. Meanwhile, parts of southern Australia are in the grip of a severe drought, and record temperatures of 49.5C have caused bushfires and hospital admissions. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 04 January 2019 10:23

New Year’s Day sunrise relay

In late December 2015 God gave the vision of a prayer relay on New Year's Day to an Australian intercessor. She saw people holding Olympic relay flames at seven high points around the Illawarra. The vision then zoomed out and she saw flames spread across Australia, and then around the world. She knew this was a prayer relay, and shared the vision with Warwick Marsh from National Day of Prayer (Australia). With only twelve days until 1 January 2016 they shared the vision; many believers joined them to pray across Australia and around the world. On New Year's Day 2017, believers prayed in over 23 nations. 2018’s relay continued to grow with believers praying in at least 50 nations, including 172 locations in Australia. On 1 January 2019 the prayer declaration across Australia and the nations was ‘Wherever you are at sunrise on New Year’s Day, pray for souls to be saved’. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAq7YT6eXoE

Published in Praise Reports
Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:37

Awakening Australia report back

Many thousands of Christians came to Melbourne for ‘Awakening Australia’, as part of a mission to bring 100,000 Australians to Jesus. Leaders spent the weekend preaching the gospel, leading people to Christ, and commissioning them to share the love of Jesus with others.

Participants included Bethel Music, Todd White, Heidi Baker, Jake Hamilton, Daniel Kolenda, and Bill Johnson.

‘Hundreds were born of God as they responded to Jesus. There is truly something remarkable happening in Australia! There is an Awakening, a sound in God's people here, that will shake the nation’, said Ben Fitzgerald, leader of Awakening Europe.

The weekend saw powerful moments of freedom, deliverance and salvation, followed by mass baptisms for those who gave their lives to Christ. Thousands proclaimed the gospel in the streets. ‘I can't believe this is happening in Australia,’ Fitzgerald said.

IPC colleague, Donny McGregor from Generation Fire, Sydney, was involved with a team who ran 100 hours of prayer in the lead up to the Awakening Australia event.  Just that event saw 200 lives saved! 

‘We experienced a change in the spiritual atmosphere during the 100 hours of Prayer', said Donny.  'Our prayer focus moved from targeting the strongholds to speaking open heaven, breaking discouragements and hearts to be receptive to the Gospel… and we saw God move!  The hunger for God was off the chart!’

Awakening Australia saw an estimated 1,600 first time and renewed commitments and 250+ baptisms. Thousands of believers were involved in the witnessing around the city. 

Praise: God for the changed spiritual atmosphere in Melbourne; thank Him for breaking strongholds and opening hearts to respond to His truth. (John 8:32)

More: https://www.awakeningaustralia.org/  AND www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/cwn/2018/november/i-cant-believe-this-is-happening-thousands-experience-gospel