Friday Focus: the gift of rest

Written by David Fletcher 28 Jul 2017
Friday Focus: the gift of rest

Do we know when to stop and how to take time out to restore our souls? Let’s remind ourselves that our God is a God of rest, a God who understands balance, who values down time. It is not good to be always busy, always active, always working. To give to others we must allow ourselves to rest in God.

(Jude Levermore, the Methodist Church)

Additional Info

  • Pray: Gracious God, we come to You mindful of our need for rest. Enable us to enter that rest. We ask not just for lazy days and sunshine, but for that deep refreshment that only You can give. Restore our souls, give us balance, that, revived and whole again, we can rise with You to the challenges of this world. (Hebrews 4:9-11)