Friday Focus: fruitful evangelism

Written by David Fletcher 07 Jul 2017
Friday Focus: fruitful evangelism

What a privilege it is to be able to pray for people in our lives, especially for those who need to begin a relationship with Jesus. We have a great example in Andrew, the disciple, who brought his brother Peter to Jesus, the Messiah. Through them, many others met with Jesus and had their lives transformed.

(written by Yioula Taliadorou, JustOne)

Additional Info

  • Pray: Loving Father, we pray that You will move in power to open spiritual eyes and ears, and heal broken hearts at every event and festival this summer. We pray for all those who gather at JustOne at the Emirates stadium on Saturday 8 July, and ask for Your anointing on all who share – may their messages lead many to commit their lives to Jesus.