Scotland: pray blessing and healing

Written by David Fletcher 16 Jun 2017
Scotland: pray blessing and healing

The Pray for Scotland newsletter reminds us to focus on seeking God’s perspective on what is happening to and within the UK, ignoring media chatter, and to ‘be still’ and hear from the One who holds the destiny and future of nations in His hands. We must keep praying for God to bless our Government as it enters the uncharted waters of Brexit. Pray for a time of calm reflection, and above all pray for God to heal the divisions there undoubtedly are in Scotland and throughout the UK. Psalm 60:2 reads, ‘You have shaken the land and torn it open; mend its fractures, for it is quaking’. So we need to pray that Father God will indeed ‘seal the cracks’ in whatever way he chooses to make that happen. Some politicians may have to change their attitudes to one of greater co-operation for the good of the nation - whatever it takes.

Additional Info

  • Pray: for political leaders, facing many serious decisions, to have the courage to lay aside their individual / party agendas and work together for the wellbeing and good of all. (Psalm 46:1)