Government needs to stand up for Christians

Written by David Fletcher 02 Jun 2017
Government needs to stand up for Christians

The UK will hold a general election on 8 June, which will put in place a new government. Barnabas Fund is calling on all political parties to make specific commitments to help persecuted Christians. It has launched a manifesto, endorsed by church leaders and peers from across the political spectrum, which calls on the next government to take specific actions to address the genocide of Christians in the Middle East. We are called to pray and ask that the Lord - who is God of kings and governments (Daniel 2:47) - to establish in authority those who will act justly. Pray that the Government will give priority to responding to the persecution of Christians, instead of focusing on ‘equality’ issues which see anti-Christian discrimination sidelined.

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  • Pray: for politicians to understand and value the UK’s heritage of religious freedom. Pray for them to awake to the challenges of the spread of shari’a enforcement around the world. (1 Peter 3:12)