Friday Focus: pray for five work colleagues

Written by David Fletcher 21 Apr 2017
Friday Focus: pray for five work colleagues

Our workplaces provide a unique opportunity to build relationships with nonbelievers. Every day they see the difference our faith makes to how we work, the way we relate, our resilience under pressure, and our attitude to success or failure. We need God’s wisdom and timing to ‘talk Jesus’ to our colleagues. So, like Paul, let’s ask for both words and courage.

(written by Bev Shepherd, LICC PrayerWorks)

Additional Info

  • Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for our work and for those we meet through it. We pray for those in authority in our workplaces. Help us to witness to You through the way we work and relate to our colleagues. We ask for Your guidance as to when to speak, what to say, and when to stay silent. Amen. (Eph. 6: 5,9)