Archbishops’ letter after Synod vote

Written by David Fletcher 24 Feb 2017
Archbishops’ letter after Synod vote

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have written to members of the General Synod setting out the next steps, following this week’s vote not to ‘take note’ of a report on Marriage and Same Sex Relationships. The report by the House of Bishops had stated that there should be no change in the church's teaching while calling for a ‘fresh tone’ on the issues. Speaking immediately afterwards, Archbishop Justin Welby said the vote was ‘not the end of the story, nor was it intended to be.’ The full text of the joint letter can be read at: During the debate, Andrea Williams ( spoke of God's beautiful design for marriage as a picture of Christ's coming for His spotless bride, saying, ‘We rob society of that picture when we seek to destroy the truth of what marriage is.’

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