Friday Focus - pray for prisons

Written by David Fletcher 27 Jan 2017
Friday Focus - pray for prisons

‘About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.’ (Acts 16:25) Lives can be changed for good in prison. Praise God for all who work in prisons. Pray for protection for prison officers and their families. Also, pray for all involved in the Prison HOPE initiative to link churches, prison chaplains and organisations involved with prisoners, former prisoners and their families. Consider: how could your church pray for and link with the local prison?

(Written by Bishop James Langstaff, Bishop to Prisons)

Additional Info

  • Pray: Gracious Lord, who told us to look for You in the isolated and the excluded, bless, we pray, the efforts of Prison Hope to stir up Your Church. Give us wisdom to restore the fallen, encourage the faint-hearted, welcome the stranger, and proclaim the year of the Lord's favour – even the redemption of our debt through Your grace and mercy. Amen.