Scotland: national day of prayer

Written by David Fletcher 18 Nov 2016
Scotland: national day of prayer

30 November is St Andrew’s Day, and the Church of Scotland has called for a dedicated national day of prayer this year. St Andrew, eventually crucified upside down, is the patron saint of fishermen, and his feast day is most often remembered in fishing villages, especially in his native Scotland. The day sometimes coincides with the start of Advent (the first Sunday after 26 Nov). This St Andrew’s Day, please pray for Scotland’s Free Church to be free of complacency, and for the preaching the word to be central to all evangelism. Pray for many Christians to reflect on their lives in the light of the life of Andrew, the first-called apostle. May they also reflect on the first day of Advent, and the significance today of the message of the coming of Christ. See also

Additional Info

  • Pray: for Christians, in the midst of a holiday that can so easily be full of eating and watching TV, to be inspired to take time to pray. (Matthew 26:41)