Scandalous treatment of disabled and unemployed

Written by David Fletcher 11 Nov 2016
Scandalous treatment of disabled and unemployed

A recent UN report states that the UK’s treatment of disabled people ‘violates basic human rights’. Meanwhile more measures are being introduced to worsen the plight of the worst-off families, with grave consequences. These include a further-reduced cap on benefits for households in which no adult works full-time, and less cash for many too sick or disabled to work. The bedroom tax is to be inflicted on pensioners, and it may be made harder to get unlawful benefit decisions overturned. An earlier UN report pointed out further violations affecting those already disadvantaged. The findings from the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities highlight the urgent need for change. There is reliable evidence of ‘grave or systematic violations of the rights of persons with disabilities’. The core elements of the rights to independent living, being included in the community, adequate standards of living, social protection and rights to employment have been affected.

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  • Pray: for the Government to agree to improve the quality of care given, and for respectful consideration to be given to the individual needs of vulnerable and disabled people. (Pr.8:6,7a)