‘Offensive’ teaching of Jesus?

Written by David Fletcher 21 Oct 2016
‘Offensive’ teaching of Jesus?

Repentance isn't preached so much any more. We can dress up the concept in all sorts of fancy terms for those who do not yet believe. It seems offensive to tell people who live in a self-centred, self-sufficient society that they need to recognise they are sinners and surrender to Jesus. But that’s the gospel, the good news, the pearl of great price. Our salvation costs us everything - but gives us so much more. It is also worrying that we do not now talk much about holding short accounts with God. We don't often acknowledge that as fallen humans we have a tendency to sin, and as Christians we still have to face that battle every day. Also, what about keeping our hearts softened towards the Holy Spirit, so that we can hear his whispers? When editing Bible study notes I was asked to find alternatives words for 'sin' and 'repentance', because they might turn readers off. I understand the need to be relevant, but teaching that strikes at the heart is exactly what’s needed.

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