Prevent anti-extremism strategy

Written by David Fletcher 30 Sep 2016
Prevent anti-extremism strategy

British Muslims should be given a new way of reporting hate crimes that bypasses the police because the Government’s controversial Prevent anti-extremism strategy has ruined trust between the two parties, Andy Burnham has suggested. Labour’s shadow home secretary called for a root and branch review of the system, and said the true scale of Islamophobic hate crimes was being hidden because Muslims were reticent to report such crimes to Prevent. He compared Prevent to the French ban on the burkini swimming costume and said it singles out one community for different treatment. He said such an approach risked legitimising or inspiring Islamophobic hate crime. Pupils are afraid to speak up in class in case they're seen as extremist. Earlier this year the UN special rapporteur on the right to freedom of assembly warned that Prevent could actually end up promoting extremism, describing it as a ‘Big Brother’ approach.

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