Pray for teachers as new school year begins

Written by David Fletcher 09 Sep 2016
Pray for teachers as new school year begins

Teachers have the enormous responsibility of imparting knowledge to our children, and their job is often difficult. Pray for their intuition and ability to keep peace in the classroom and peace between students and themselves. Ask God to help them to be gentle to each and every one of their students, balancing mercy and discipline in the right measure for all. Pray that no matter how tired or stressed they feel they will be able to give genuine praise as much as possible and constructive criticism in a manner that is acceptable to the young. Ask for God to bless the teachers in our nation that they remain conscientious enough to keep their lessons always interesting, recognising what motivates and be able to accept different individual’s limitations and not hold it against them. May they never judge their students too harshly, but rather be fair to all.

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