Pray for those in authority

Written by David Fletcher 19 Aug 2016
Pray for those in authority

The series of UK changes caused by the EU referendum result may have slowed down as Government ministers take their summer breaks, but behind the scenes there is undoubtedly much activity as politicians, civil servants, business and other national leaders work on strategies to deal with changes in direction. When should the formal process of exiting the EU start? What is to be the UK's range of negotiating positions on such a wide range of subjects? Do we have the skills needed to ensure as favourable an outcome as possible? What are our 'red lines' beyond which we will not go? On top of all that our political leaders need to deal with the fractures and fault lines both within and between the UK nations that were so evident during the campaign and immediately after the result. Politicians face huge challenges on a wide range of topics and need our prayers.

Additional Info

  • Pray: for God's wisdom for Theresa May, her cabinet, senior advisers and civil servants, as they discuss their options and agree plans and strategies - that His plans and purposes would prevail. (1Tim2:1-2)