Ethnic minorities face 'entrenched' racial inequality

Written by David Fletcher 19 Aug 2016
Ethnic minorities face 'entrenched' racial inequality

Black and ethnic minority people in Britain face ‘entrenched’ racial inequality in many areas, including education and health. A review by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, which also looked at employment, housing, pay, and criminal justice, found an ‘alarming picture’. Black graduates earn 23.1% less than white graduates and more ethnic minorities are unemployed. There is a combination of a post-Brexit rise in hate crime and long-term systemic unfairness and racial inequality. The commission recommended that responsibility for a strategy should be brought under one secretary of state, and new targets to improve opportunities and outcomes for ethnic minority communities should be introduced. The Government said black and ethnic minority employment rates had improved. ‘But there is clearly more to do. We are delivering a racial equality programme on employment, university places, apprenticeships, start-up loans and recruitment to police and armed forces.’ a spokeswoman added.

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  • Pray: for a redoubled effort to tackle racial inequality and divisions in our society. Pray for the racial tensions to decrease; for the Government to honour its promises to deliver real social reform. (Mt.25:35)