British security - attack on UK is ‘very likely’

Written by Linda Digby 29 Jul 2016
British security - attack on UK is ‘very likely’

A terrorist attack in the UK is ‘highly likely’ following attacks in other parts of Europe, a five-judge tribunal has been told, as churches in Britain are told to tighten security. The heightened state of security comes as images threatening attacks in London and other major world capitals were reportedly posted on jihadi messaging app Telegram. Despite there being no specific intelligence relating to attacks against the Christian community in the UK, the National Police Chiefs' Council is urging the community to be alert but not alarmed. They are reiterating protective security advice to Christian places of worship and have circulated specific advice reminding Churches to review their security arrangements as a precaution, stating: ‘While the threat from terrorism remains unchanged at severe, (which means that an attack is highly likely) we urge the public to be vigilant.’

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