Changes in offices of state

Written by Linda Digby 21 Jul 2016
Changes in offices of state

Prime Minister Theresa May made six senior appointments - Foreign Office, Chancellor, Defence, Home Office and two new post-Brexit positions - Secretary of State for Brexit and Secretary of State for International Trade. BORIS JOHNSON heads the Foreign Office. He speaks five languages, including German and Russian. The latter will be helpful as he pursues positive engagement with Russia. Like Theresa May, he is pro-Israel. PHILIP HAMMOND is Chancellor of the Exchequer. Pray for him to have the great wisdom and vision that job needs at any time, but especially at this time. MICHAEL FALLON - Secretary of State for Defence. Pray for a Defence Secretary who is a man of peace and whose strength is in the Lord. He voted against ‘gay marriage’ and doctor-assisted dying. AMBER RUDD - Home Secretary voted against having a referendum at all. She voted for ‘gay marriage’ and military action in Syria. Pray for her wisdom and discernment as she holds this vital office of state. DAVID DAVIS, a veteran parliamentarian, is Secretary of State for Brexit. He is opposed to the EU and gay marriage. Pray for God to lead him as he negotiates our exit with the European Union . LIAM FOX, the new Secretary of State for International Trade, will be responding to nations across the world who want trade deals with the UK. Pray that we will do more for fair trade and that overseas aid is given wisely.

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