Brexit: a significant spiritual moment

Written by David Fletcher 01 Jul 2016
Brexit: a significant spiritual moment

The WPC writes, ‘We are at a historical moment as a nation. We may be entering a long period of political and economic uncertainty. We also believe we are at a very significant moment spiritually. Jesus is Sovereign! Colossians 1 says, 'In Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities and authorities.’ Some in the WPC team backed Remain, others backed Exit, but all are united in saying we have prayed ‘Your will be done’, and we have a deep peace that it has been. We have prayed so often for God's spirit to break out. There have been extraordinary signs of this as God visits towns and cities, stirs up prayer, and uses ordinary people to take the gospel onto the streets, into the schools, workplaces and universities. So this is a time for renewed prayer for the protection and blessing of our United Kingdom and Europe.’

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  • Pray: for grace and integrity for every Christian MP, that they will hear God's voice and be people of influence. Pray also for protection from evil intent or greed and integrity to those who manage our finances, and for God to move in our nation. (Col.1:16)