Call for drugs to be decriminalised

Written by David Fletcher 17 Jun 2016
Call for drugs to be decriminalised

A report by the Royal Society for Public Health and the Faculty of Public Health said the Government's approach to a ‘drugs policy’ had failed, and there should be a greater focus on treatment and education. The Home Office defended its record, saying that drug misuse had declined over the past 10 years. The report said criminal sanctions failed to deter illegal drug use, undermined people's life chances, and could act as a barrier to addicts coming forward for help. It said the UK should adopt the Portuguese system under which people caught using drugs were offered treatment and support rather than being punished. However, dealers and suppliers would still be prosecuted. The report also suggested that drugs education should be made mandatory, and responsibility for drugs policy moved from the Home Office to the Department of Health. Those who misuse drugs are in need of treatment and support - not criminals in need of punishment.

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