Ban on Christian Union 'ludicrous'

Written by David Fletcher 10 Jun 2016
Ban on Christian Union 'ludicrous'

Prime Minister David Cameron has said it is ‘ludicrous’ that a college Christian Union could be stopped from meeting under the Government's counter-extremism strategy. Responding to Christian Conservative MP Fiona Bruce during Prime Minister's Questions, Mr Cameron said people needed to exercise some common sense in making these judgements. Mrs Bruce raised the issue after reports suggested an unnamed college Christian union had been stopped from meeting because of concerns that it might be breaching Prevent guidelines. This legislation was put together to stop children being influenced by extremists. Prevent is one part of the Government's initiative for countering extremism; it defines extremism, amongst other things, as ‘vocal or active opposition to different faiths and beliefs’. Mrs Bruce said that next week the annual National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast will host 600 community and faith leaders, as well as over a hundred MPs; yet a Christian Union is banned from holding prayer and Bible study meetings.

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