Labour anti-Semitism row

Written by David Fletcher 06 May 2016
Labour anti-Semitism row

Norman G Finkelstein, a Jewish author whose parents survived concentration camps during the Holocaust, published a map on his blog in 2014 entitled ‘Solution for the Israel-Palestine conflict’. The map depicted the country of Israel superimposed on a map of the USA. Mr Finkelstein said he posted the map because he found it funny, adding, ‘such jokes are commonplace in the US’. Labour MP Naz Shah copied this map, and has now been suspended by the Labour Party; seventeen other Labour members have been suspended for anti-Semitism and racism since Mr Corbyn took over as leader, including former London mayor Ken Livingstone. The row has lifted the lid on how serious prejudice against Israel has become, and opened a debate around Zionism (the Jewish people's right to self-determination in Israel) and anti-Semitism (hatred directed at Jewish people).

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