Imams promoting Islamic extremism

Written by David Fletcher 29 Apr 2016
Imams promoting Islamic extremism

Christian Concern's Director of Islamic Affairs reported that prison imams are distributing extremist literature to prisoners. This follows various recent reports of radicalisation from hard-line Islamists in a number of UK prisons. He emphasised the need for major changes to prevent imams from routinely distributing extremist pamphlets and CDs which encourage the murder of apostates and ‘contempt for basic British values’, which are freely available at more than ten prisons. There are around 200 full-time and part-time Muslim chaplains working in jails; 70% of them were taught at Deobandi institutions (a branch of Islam with known links to extremism). 80% of all British imams are Deobandi-trained, and over 40% of British mosques Deobandi-controlled.

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