Another Trumpet Call in two weeks

Written by Admin 2 18 Jun 2015
Another Trumpet Call in two weeks

At the first Trumpet Call in October 2004, the team at the World Prayer Centre had no idea how many times God wanted us to blow the trumpet in the heart of the nation. After each Trumpet Call, their offices received amazing, inspirational testimonies of the experience of being with thousands of Christians praying together for their nation. People were healed, and had their faith restored again to go on believing God for impossible situations. On 4 July there will be another Trumpet Call in Birmingham, where God’s people have the opportunity to stand together at the INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE to SEEK THE FACE OF GOD that He would, in response to our repentance and prayers of faith, hear our cry, have mercy and pour out His Spirit on our land. Readers of Prayer Alert are invited to come, if they are able, and pray. There’s nothing more powerful than when saints pray and seek God’s kingdom, standing in the gap for the lost.

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