Petition launched against ‘Named Person’ scheme

Written by Admin 2 04 Jun 2015
Petition launched against ‘Named Person’ scheme

Campaigners opposing Scotland’s controversial Named Person scheme launched a new petition last weekend, tapping into mounting opposition to the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act passed at Holyrood last year. Under the law, every child in Scotland will be assigned a state-employed Named Person to monitor their welfare. A campaign spokesman said they were concerned about the threats to the human rights of families to their privacy in their own homes as well as possible breaches of data protection laws as the state passes confidential family information to and from different public bodies. The petition says, ‘I oppose the Scottish Government’s plan to assign a Named Person to every child in Scotland because it undermines families and diverts resources from children who need them.’ In January, judge Lord Pentland dismissed a judicial review brought against the legislation, but three judges will consider an appeal next Wednesday.

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  • Pray: for God’s favour on The Christian Institute, CARE, and parents working on behalf of children. (Pr.22:6)