Prince prays for peace in NI visit

Written by Admin 2 27 May 2015
Prince prays for peace in NI visit

On the final day of his tour of both the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland, Prince Charles visited the country's oldest peace and reconciliation centre. Run by Christians, the Corrymeela Centre played a vital role in bringing together people on all sides of the troubles. Speaking at the centre, he said, ‘By our shared wounds and scars we can, I hope, I pray, share healing and a friendship made all the stronger for the trials it has overcome. We have all suffered too much, too many people's loved ones have been killed or maimed. Surely it is time, as I said in Sligo two days ago, that we became the subjects of our history and not its prisoners. Surely, too, in the roots of Corrymeela, we can discover lessons that can serve as a model to all who strive for peace and reconciliation.’

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