No to police budget cuts – they’re vital to thwart growing terrorist threats

Written by Admin 2 21 May 2015
No to police budget cuts – they’re vital to thwart growing terrorist threats

Britain’s counter-terror chief, Mark Rowley, said he will fight for police to be kept on the beat, amid fears that budget cuts will see fewer officers gathering vital intelligence needed to thwart a growing tide of people trying to stage terrorist attacks. His comments came as he warned that hundreds of people who travelled to Syria to join Islamic State had returned to Britain, and there is a growing threat of attacks (several plots to kill were foiled recently). There are five Government counter-terrorism threat levels. They indicate the stages of security needed to protect our nation. They range from LOW - an attack is unlikely - through to SEVERE - an attack is expected imminently. The current threat level from international terrorism is SEVERE. Terrorism in the UK remains real and serious. An attack could take place at any time and any organisation could be directly or indirectly affected. See also

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