God bless Princess Charlotte of Cambridge

Written by Admin 2 06 May 2015
God bless Princess Charlotte of Cambridge

The Duchess of Cambridge had an 8lbs 3 oz baby girl at 8.34 am last Saturday. Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Cambridge is the fourth in line to the throne. Her great-grandmother has held, and her grandfather, father and brother will all in turn hold, the title of, 'Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England.' The Church of England website has published the following prayer for the new royal arrival: ‘Lord of all, we offer our deep thanksgiving for the gift of new life, and especially for the daughter born to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, sister to Prince George. Pour your blessing upon the whole family, and be their light and guide in all that they are called to be and do in life. Enfold them in your love and hope, now and always, we pray, through Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.’

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