Keeping abortion illegal in Northern Ireland

Written by Admin 2 06 May 2015
Keeping abortion illegal in Northern Ireland

Democratic Unionist Party MP Jeffrey Donaldson, who is a Stormont Junior Minister,  said the Department of Health has - for the first time - published guidance to health professionals in Northern Ireland on terminating pregnancy. Such guidelines have not been previously in place as abortion remains illegal in NI, except when the mother's life is at risk. He said, ‘We will not be liberalising the law on abortion here.’ The Royal College of Midwives has said they will bring greater clarity to the legal position of staff who take part in terminations. Although the move will not change the law, and the guidelines will merely make clear what is and is not permitted, Jeffrey Donaldson has already said he and his party colleagues were unhappy with some of the guidelines. ‘We had a number of concerns that we raised with the Health Minister,’ he said.

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