British forces update

Written by Admin 2 02 Apr 2015
British forces update

‘Britain remains at the forefront of coalition military efforts to support the Iraqi government in their fight against IS’ says Defence Secretary Michael Fallon. ‘This effective and closely coordinated activity in conjunction with Iraqi and Kurdish ground forces has largely stalled the terrorists’ advances. In Syria, coalition airstrikes have supported the liberation of Kobane and have disrupted IS’s logistics and supply lines. However, defeating IS ultimately lies with local forces and we are helping to create effective ground forces in Syria, as well as in Iraq, so they can take the fight to IS.’ RAF Tornadoes and Reapers have been involved in successful airstrikes throughout the month. Please pray for the discrepancies between what is being asked of our Armed Forces, and the cuts proposed by government. This adds stress and uncertainty affecting not only the individual and their expected work load, but the nation and its defence and security.

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