Pornography addiction worry

Written by Admin 2 02 Apr 2015
Pornography addiction worry

A tenth of 12 to 13-year-olds fear they are ‘addicted’ to pornography, an NSPCC ChildLine survey has concluded. One in five of nearly 700 youngsters surveyed said they had seen pornographic images that had shocked or upset them, researchers found. The charity also says that 12% of those surveyed said they had taken part in, or had made, a sexually explicit video. It says that viewing porn is ‘a part of everyday life’ for many of the children who contact its helpline. ChildLine has launched a campaign to raise awareness and provide advice to young people about the harmful implications of an over-exposure to porn following the survey results. One boy under the age of 15 told ChildLine that he was ‘always watching porn, and some of it is quite aggressive’. He said: ‘I didn't think it was affecting me at first but I've started to view girls a bit differently recently and it's making me worried.’

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  • Pray: for all the young people who feel they are addicted to pornography that they will be able to stand up against such temptations. (Ex.18:19a)