Jay Slater: search continues as conspiracy theories escalate

Written by David Fletcher 27 Jun 2024
Jay Slater: search continues as conspiracy theories escalate

The search for 19-year-old Jay Slater, missing since 17 June, continues in Tenerife with a multi-agency effort marked by silence from authorities. Despite the intense search in the rugged terrain of the Rural de Teno national park, involving the Civil Guard, specialist sniffer dogs, and drones, agencies have been reluctant to comment, fuelling online conspiracy theories. The operation, initially sprawling, has now focused on a specific ravine with a water source. Officers start their search at 8 am, navigating difficult terrain with special equipment. Weather conditions have varied, complicating the search efforts. As each day ends without answers, the lack of updates adds to the anguish of Jay's loved ones, who continue to wait for news. His family remains hopeful; his mother, Debbie Duncan, is urging the public to pray for her son and expressing faith in the search teams.

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