Fiona Bruce MP sponsors early day motion re child sex tourism

Written by Super User 05 Feb 2015
Fiona Bruce MP sponsors early day motion re child sex tourism

Fiona Bruce, MP is helping International Justice Mission-UK (IJM) with their campaign to stop child sex tourism.  During December 2014 a Briton was convicted for abusing young street boys in Kenya. IJM assisted in the case and supported the British and Kenyan police. The man was charged under a British law which allows UK nationals who commit sex offences overseas against children to be tried in the UK. IJM has been campaigning for effective application of this law and were recently joined by Cambodia Action, Hagar and Love 146 as part of their Stop It Together campaign, which now has over 7000 signatures. Steve Webster, Chief Operating Officer of IJM-UK said, ‘We are delighted that Fiona Bruce is helping to publicise the situation within Parliament through a House of Commons Early Day Motion (493)’. Ms Bruce emphasised, ‘This conviction evidences the tremendous work that IJM is undertaking and shows that sex tourism of this nature can be stopped in its tracks. I congratulate IJM on its persistent, detailed and highly professional work and encourage people to contact their MPs to ask them to sign Early Day Motion 493. The impact of constituents making such a request cannot be overstated.’

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  • Pray: for those currently subject to abuse, that God would sustain them and give them the courage to speak out. Pray for IJM, Fiona Bruce and other organisations working in this area. (Isa.1:17)