Schools being told 'Sex at 13 is normal'

Written by Super User 15 Nov 2014

Schools are being recommended a teaching resource suggesting that ‘sex at 13’ is normal, a Parliamentary committee has been told. Appearing in front of the Education Select Committee today, Sarah Carter of the Family Education Trust pointed MPs to the ‘Traffic Light Tool’ produced by ‘sexual health’ group Brook. The Traffic Light Tool suggests that ‘interest in erotica/pornography, sexually explicit conversations with peers and consenting oral and/or penetrative sex with others of the same or opposite gender who are of similar age and developmental ability ’express‘ safe and healthy sexual development’ Ms Carter said. This material should be outlawed. It is dangerous. It will harm our children. It encourages them into premature sexual activity which is damaging to them. It sexualises them and encourages illegal activity. The Government should immediately review all the material produced by Brook and suspend its use in schools' said Andrea Williams of Christian Concern.

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