Trojan Horse schools 'not improved', Ofsted warns

Written by Super User 17 Oct 2014

There are still significant problems at the five Birmingham schools placed into special measures following concerns about a hard-line Islamist takeover. England's schools' watchdog Ofsted says the action plans are still ‘not fit for purpose’ in some of the five. At one, ‘staff do not trust each other’, it says, and ‘safeguarding remains a serious concern’ at another. The inspections took place early this term. The Department for Education described them as ‘a snapshot’. The five schools were inspected - on an unannounced basis - between 8th and 12th September, and in some cases new governors and heads had only just started work. Inspectors raised concerns that it had taken too much time to appoint new governors and senior leaders at these schools. This meant ‘very little action’ had been taken to address the serious concerns raised about their performance. Ofsted chief Sir Michael Wilshaw said, 'Too much poor practice remained unchallenged during the summer term’.

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