More than 2,000 care homes have no manager

Written by Super User 10 Oct 2014

More than 2,000 care homes looking after elderly or disabled adults have no registered manager, according to figures to be published this week.12 per cent of all care homes in England lack the leadership required to ensure that vulnerable people, including frail pensioners with dementia, are cared for properly. According to a study presented at the Liberal Democrat conference on Tuesday this meant that Paul Burstow, the Lib Dem MP and former health minister who obtained the figures, said they showed that ‘a revolution’ in care homes was needed. ‘It is hardly surprising that people fear ‘going into a home’, he said, ‘We would never accept this in a healthcare setting and there is no reason why we should be prepared to accept it for people living in residential care.’ He called for ‘a lot more’ care home places to be created to meet demand from Britain’s ageing population.

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