United Kingdom: After the vote

Written by Super User 19 Sep 2014

Whatever the result, the Referendum will have a profound impact on the whole of the UK.  It remains to be seen what effect the emotions and forces released by this campaign will have on the unity of the British state, as parts of England are now calling for strong regional assemblies with devolved powers similar to those enjoyed by the Scottish Parliament and, to a lesser extent, by the Assemblies that exist in Wales and Northern Ireland. Please pray for the spiritual life of our nations after the vote.  Pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our nations, that Church leaders will rise again, empowered to be bold, fearless and to speak with wisdom and authority into every level of society. Pray that the chorus of recent intercession ascended to heaven will bring about a situation that whatever the result, the atmosphere over these nations will be changed for the better, and permanently.

Additional Info

  • Pray: that prayer will not cease on Thursday but continue until God sends revival to His Church and reformation to the nations. Pray also for integrity after the vote and that promises made will be honoured. (Lk.11:1-4)