Scottish referendum 18th September, a historic day

Written by Super User 30 Aug 2014

In 1706 the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland called the nation to pray and fast ahead of the 1707 vote for or against Scotland remaining in the UK. Queen Anne and the governments in Edinburgh and London issued the statement, ‘That all may be done to the glory of God and the good of Christ’s Church’. Again the church across Scotland is actively involved in a referendum. The year of prayer ‘The Stand’, launched last November, enabled Christians and churches to seek God’s will together in this crucial year. The Evangelical Alliance produced a manifesto ‘What kind of nation?’ to widen the debate from political, economic, social, educational and cultural issues, to include Scottish values, universal values and biblical values. Christians from both sides of the campaign are engaging in the hustings. Pray that debates would consider wider issues than just economic factors. Pray the Church across Scotland would be heard as they speak into the national conversation. See also 

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  • Pray: that God would replace confusion in people’s minds with wisdom, clarity and understanding of key issues so a good choice is made. Pray for respect to be shown by each side to the other (Mt.6:10)