UK broadband users reject porn filters, watchdog finds

Written by Super User 31 Jul 2014

New broadband customers in the UK are overwhelmingly rejecting porn filters when prompted to install them by internet service providers, the industry watchdog Ofcom has found. The filters were proposed by Prime Minister David Cameron last year as part of a Government-backed scheme to protect children from explicit content online. Ofcom found that fewer than one in seven households use the filters, which are offered automatically to new subscribers at the point of registration. The findings showed that most customers have been choosing to actively disable the filters. The four main broadband providers, BT, Sky, TalkTalk and Virgin Media, offer an automatic porn filter at registration but only TalkTalk was able to persuade more than ten per cent of its users to keep it. Of the providers Ofcom noted that Virgin Media has ‘recognised that this is a failure in process and indicated it is taking steps to address this gap’.

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