Christians offer safe houses to Muslims

Written by Super User 10 Jun 2014

A Christian campaign group is launching a national network of safe houses for Muslim converts who face ostracism or violent reprisals for leaving their religion. It says it knows of up to 1,100 former Muslims at risk in Britain but the true number could be 3,000. Andrea Williams, chief executive of Christian Concern, which is organising the network, said: ‘We are motivated by a deep sense of love and compassion for those that feel trapped in a situation from which they cannot escape. The penalty for them at best is to be cut off from their family; at worst they face death. This is happening not just in Sudan and Nigeria but in east London. The government has failed to deal with the rise in anti-Christian sentiment.’

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  • Pray: for the protection of those who choose to follow Jesus and who are at risk. (Ps.5:11)