Cameron urged to pass law to protect England's woodland

Written by Super User 10 Jun 2014

England’s woodland is in danger unless David Cameron keeps his promise to pass laws preventing public forests from being sold off, leading conservationists have said in a letter the Telegraph. The Government was forced intop making a U-turn after hundreds of thousands of people protested against a proposal to sell swathes of the Public Forest Estate (PFE) in 2011. However, despite an assurance that an independent management organisation for the PFE would be established in statute to hold the woodland in trust for the nation, nothing has been done and the letter’s signatories are demanding action ‘before it is too late’. The coalition of conservationists from the Woodland Trust, the Confederation of Forest Industries, Our Forests, Ramblers, Save Our Woods, The Wildlife Trust and 38 Degrees urged the Government to use the Queen’s Speech on June 4 to set the wheels in motion for new legislation.

Additional Info

  • Pray: for the Government to honour the pledge to put new legislation in place to protect our forests and woodland. (1Co.4:2)