Traditional values are secret of our success, say Scouts, as membership soars

Written by Super User 07 May 2014

Holding on to traditional values – including keeping God in its promise – has helped the Scouts see a dramatic increase in members, the organisation’s chief commissioner has insisted. New figures show that the number of Scouts in the UK has jumped by almost a quarter in the last decade and membership is now at its highest level for a generation. Wayne Bulpitt, the chief commissioner, said part of the secret of the organisation’s success was the fact that young people still crave ‘adventure’ in an era of health and safety rules. He added that a crucial ingredient had been the deliberate decision to modernise its image but preserve the principles it has taught for more than a century. He said organisations which tried too hard to be ‘cool’ often ended up ‘Dad dancing’ – conjuring up the image of a middle-aged man who embarrasses his children with awkward dance moves at a family wedding in an attempt to pretend he is younger than he is.

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  • Pray: for the Scout movement to continue to grow and for organisations who have dropped traditional values, including God, in order to be 'cool' might think again. (1Jn.3:22)