Church celebrates Lizzie Armitstead's Olympic win

Written by Super User 03 Aug 2012

A church in Otley, Yorkshire, is celebrating the Olympic silver medal win by Lizzie Armitstead as she finished the Women’s Road Race on Sunday. She grew up in Otley and was in Junior Church at the Bridge United Reformed Church. She was also part of the Bridge Church Scout group. Her parents, John and Carol, are still members of the church, and her grandfather, the Rev Jeff Armitstead, is a retired URC minister. The congregation sent a card to Lizzie prior to her big race and sped home from Sunday worship to make sure they didn't miss her fantastic cycle road race. The church had planned a special ‘Sing Olympics’ for the evening worship and the mood was especially celebratory after Lizzie won Team GB's first medal of the London 2012 Games. Church Treasurer Andrew Howard said, ‘Many of the church members have known Lizzie since she was a baby, and have watched her progress over the years. We are all absolutely thrilled that one of our own has had such success.’

Pray: that Lizzie and other Christians living in the Olympic Village will shine and reveal the Light of Christ amongst their fellow Olympians. (Mat.5:14-15)


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