‘Trans equality’ teaching for 5-year-olds considered

Written by Super User 15 Dec 2011

Schoolchildren as young as five may be taught about ‘transgender equality’, a Government document has disclosed. Theresa May, the Home Secretary, signed the foreword to the new plan along with Lynne Featherstone. The move, which is being considered by the Department for Education (DfE), was highlighted in the Government’s new action plan for advancing transgender equality. But one campaigner has warned that these issues are adult ones and should not be discussed in class at such a tender age. Margaret Morrissey, founder of campaign group Parents Outloud, said: ‘These are adult issues and we should leave it until children are older or until they ask. The problem is we are overloading our children with issues that they should not have to consider at a young age. PSHE is already overloaded with other issues.’

Pray: that our education standards will be upheld and young minds be protected. (Ps.12:5)

More: http://www.christian.org.uk/news/trans-equality-teaching-for-5-year-olds-being-considered/

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