Young people’s 'faded memory of Christianity'

Written by Super User 08 Oct 2010

Religion is largely irrelevant to most young people who rely instead on a ‘secular trinity’ of themselves, their family and their friends to give meaning to their lives, a new book claims. The study published by the Church of England concludes that people born after 1982 - known as ‘Generation Y’ - have only a ‘faded cultural memory’ of Christianity. For many young people, religious observance extends no further than praying in their bedrooms during moments of crisis, on a ‘need to believe basis’. Fewer than one in five young people believe in a God ‘who created the world and hears my prayers’, and teenagers were more likely to believe in the ‘nicer’ parts of religious doctrine than those about the devil and punishment. ‘It is undoubtedly the case that the Christian memory is very faint and in many respects Generation Y is a largely unstoried and memoryless generation,’ the study said.

Pray: for outreach to young people to give them the true Gospel message. (Ro.1:17)


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