UK 'fares badly in European health league table'

Written by Super User 07 Mar 2013

The UK is lagging behind progress by similar countries on many indicators for ill-health, research suggests. Health data over 20 years was compared with figures from 18 other countries in the research published in the Lancet. Although average life expectancy has risen by four years since 1990, it says the UK needs to increase its strategies for tackling preventable problems such as heart disease and stroke. The UK had a high burden of smoking-related illnesses, and greater priority should be given to reducing lung disease. There was also a large rise in the number of recorded deaths related to Alzheimer's Disease. (See also Prayer Alert 08-2013) Health secretary Jeremy Hunt has said he has a plan to address the lag. Many deaths happen because the NHS is not good enough at preventing people getting sick or because treatment does not rival that seen elsewhere in Europe, says Mr Hunt who is responsible for health policy in England.

Pray: for our health care authorities that they would be granted wisdom and skills to meet the needs of their patients. (Ez.34:2b)



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