The health gap between rich and poor

Written by Super User 02 Aug 2010

The health gap between the richest and poorest in Britain is now wider than it was during the great depression, according to researchers from Sheffield and Bristol Universities. They say that the gap was gradually narrowing until the 1970s, when the trend reversed. Health inequality has grown rapidly in the last twenty years. This reflects a growth in economic inequality over a similar period. ‘Health and wealth are directly linked’, insisted researcher Danny Dorling, ‘Unless we tackle the income gap, we could well see life expectancy actually starting to fall for the first time in the poorest areas.’ Campaigns for economic equality have gained momentum since the publication last year of the The Spirit Level. The book's authors, Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, use detailed analysis to demonstrate lower levels of crime, unwanted pregnancies and other social problems in more equal societies. This perspective is now promoted by the Equality Trust.

Pray: for an understanding that redressing this imbalance will also address other problems in society. (Dt.15:4)


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