Teaching of Christianity in schools

Written by Super User 31 Oct 2010

The former Bishop of Rochester is urging Education Secretary Michael Gove to restore the teaching of Christianity in Britain's schools. Writing in Standpoint magazine, the Rt Rev Nazir-Ali welcomed the move to end what he calls Britain's ‘collective amnesia’ about its Christian heritage. He said Christianity was the most significant link in the story of Britain and that education should look at the vital role played by reformers in the struggle for the freedoms he says shaped the British nation and are now under threat. He wants to see schools teach children about the link between Britain today and its foundations in the Judeo-Christian traditions of the Bible. He particularly mentions the role of Christians in abolishing the slave trade, introducing universal education, improving working conditions, and caring for the sick. ‘I am glad that the Minister is setting out to remove our collective amnesia. This will also have to mean the rediscovery of our spiritual and moral identity’.

Pray: for the renewal of Christian faith and values in all aspects of public life including our schools. (Isa.41:1)


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