Survey claims RE boosts faith tolerance

Written by Super User 05 Apr 2011

Nearly two thirds (63 per cent) of the British public believe if a child is taught Religious Education (RE) at school, then they are more likely to be tolerant towards other faiths and cultures as an adult. The ComRes poll of 2,000 adults also found that 72 per cent agree that RE is an important means through which children learn about other people's faiths and ways of life, and 73 per cent believe it is important for young people to learn about a range of religious beliefs other than their own while at school. Chief executive, Baptist minister the Revd Peter Kerridge, said 'This poll clearly reveals that British public are overwhelming in favour of religious education in schools, and understand the benefits the subject can for young people growing up in today's modern, multicultural Britain. 'What is so surprising is the unity across all faiths on this issue.

Pray: for the Government to recognise the place of R.E. in the school curriculum. (Ex.18:20)


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