Support for traditional marriage gathers

Written by Super User 23 Feb 2012

A petition calling upon the Government to maintain the existing definition of marriage has notched up over 18,000 signatures in just one day after it was launched. The petition was launched by the Coalition for Marriage (C4M) in opposition to the Government's attempts to redefine marriage to include same sex unions. The coalition has the support of MPs and church leaders, including the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey. Lord Carey claimed the proposal to change the status of marriage ‘constitutes one of the greatest political power grabs in history’. The Government is due to begin its consultation on the introduction of same-sex marriage next month and has indicated its support for the change. A poll conducted by ComRes for C4M has found that the majority of people in Britain (51%) want the existing definition of marriage as a union between one man and one woman to remain. Only a third (34%) said they supported the proposed change.

Pray: that this petition and the support given by MPs and church leaders will reverse the current trend against the existing definition of marriage. (Heb.13:4)


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